Thursday, January 20, 2011

Guest Blogging and The Environment

Earlier this week I was asked by Milena of There Is Always Room if I would like to be a guest blogger!  As a professional organizer, this month her blog focuses on wedding planning.  She was interested in my ideas about not using any live flowers (or flowers at all, for that matter) in our upcoming wedding.  I was very honored to be asked to do this and I hope everyone will take some time to visit Milena's blog!
Reflecting on my post about not using flowers, I started to wonder if people actually knew the environmental costs of cutting live flowers for use as decoration.  There are a variety of sources explaining the environmental and social costs of the cut flower industry, and when researching one has to be careful to make sure the source is reliable.  A site that I particularly like is a blog called Reduce Footprints.  They published an article in December 2008 explaining the negative impacts of cutting flowers, and also offers some ways to keep flowers around in a more environmentally conscious manner.  Please take some time to learn more about the environmental impacts of the actions you take!

I've read the following environmentally conscious books and I highly recommend reading them (or watching the movie for the first one if you don't like to read... which hurts me to say, because I am English teacher):



  1. Wow ... how nice of you to link to Reduce Footprints and our post on cut flowers. That post was a real "eye-opener" ... both for us, researching the subject, and hopefully for readers. The good news is that there are many Eco-friendly ways to replace cut flowers in a wedding (or for any occasion). Many brides are opting to carry something meaningful instead of a bouquet ... or carry nothing at all. Reception tables are being decorated with locally grown, organic, plants which are often given to guests as a memento of the occasion. With a little thought and creativity, all kinds of Environmentally safe decorations can adorn a wedding celebration.

  2. awesome... i'm planning a green wedding, i'll be sure to check it out!
    CJR @ The Mommy Blog

  3. Thanks for sharing your post with us, Kristen! I really like your ideas, good luck in your wedding!
